Disclaimer: The Session of Providence does not agree with all the content found in these resources and links. Yet, they provide helpful information to those wishing to look further into particular issues.
Apologetics Resources
At War With the Word: The Necessity of Biblical Antithesis by Greg L. Bahnsen
Common Misunderstandings of Van Til’s Apologetics (1/2) by Richard L. Pratt
Common Misunderstandings of Van Til’s Apologetics (2/2) by Richard L. Pratt
Why & What: A Brief Introduction to Christianity by Douglas Jones
History and Nature of Apologetics by Cornelius Van Til (MP3)
Catechism Resources
Ecclesiology Resources
Eschatology Resources
Sacraments Resources - Paedobaptism
Covenantal Infant Baptism: An Outline Defense by Greg Strawbridge
Should the Infants of Christian Parents be Baptized? Interview with Gregg Strawbridge (MP3)
A Case for Infant Baptism, Interview with Gregg Strawbridge (MP3)
Sacraments Resources - Paedocommunion
You and Your Son and Daughter: Christ’s Communion with Young Children by Mark Horne
Does I Corinthians 11:28 spell the death-knell for Paedocommunion? by Tim Gallant
Worship Resources
Liturgical Men and Liturgical Women by James B. Jordan, Part I
Liturgical Men and Liturgical Women by James B. Jordan, Part II
The Francis A. Schaeffer Institute
This site is associated with the late Reformed scholar Francis A. Schaeffer
What is the Gospel?
Two ways to live
Trinitas Christian School
A Classical Christian School here in Pensacola, Florida
Communion of Reformed Evangelical Churches (CREC)
Providence is a member of the CREC.
Biblical Horizons
James B. Jordan ministry.
Directed by Dr. Peter Leithart
Rev. Peter Leithart’s blog
Resurrectio et Vita
Rev. Uri Brito’s blog
Cultural and Theological Articles
Theological/Sacramental articles by Mark Horne and Rich Lusk
One of the world’s largest sermon database
Children’s Music – Jamie Soles
Biblically-saturated music for our covenant children